Light of Learning التطبيقات

Physiology light-1.1
Light of Learning
Study functions & systems of organs using physiology , It isbranch of biology.
Pharmacology light-1.1
Light of Learning
Pharmacology is study of drugs action on biological systems.
Food Science - 1 light-1.1
Light of Learning
Notes of food science for medical,para medical to learn easy.
Business Mathematics light-1.2
Light of Learning
Business mathematics notes for accounting,commercialenterprises,organizations.
Food Science - II light-1.0
Light of Learning
Notes of food science for medical ,para medical & medicine toeasy learn. It almost cover all important topics which are givenbelow UNIT - I. SUGAR AND SUGAR COOKERY Different forms of sugarDifferent forms of Jaggery Different forms of honey syrup Stages ofsugar cooking UNIT - II. FATS AND OILS Types of fats and oils(animal and vegetable) Hydrogenation, Rancidity, Smoking point& emulsification Uses, storage, cost and nutritional aspects ofFats & Oils Nuts and oilseeds UNIT - III. RAISING AGENTS ANDFOOD ADJUNCTS Types of Raising agents Uses in cookery and bakeryDifferent types of cakes- sponge, chiffon and shortened cakes UNIT- IV. CONVENIENCE FOODS Role & Types of Convenience foodsAdvantages & Disadvantages of Convenience foods Cost andcontribution to diet UNIT - V. TEA, COFFEE, CHOCOLATE & COCOACultivation Processing of Tea & Coffee Processing the Cocoa& Chocolate
Financial Accounting light-1.0
Light of Learning
Financial accounting app is free app to explore business andeconomy. Using this app study basic & advanced concepts offinancial accounting .It is designed to learn financial accountingbasics for management,commerce professionals andstudents.Accounting is backbone for financial,business & trade.It almost cover all important topics Unit – 1 Definition ofFinancial Accounting Development and objectives of accounting BasicConcepts Postulates and Conventions of accounting Sub-division ofjournal Preparation of trial balance Final Accounts Preparation ofmanufacturing Unit – 2 Accounting of Non-Trading InstitutionsConcept of depreciation methods of depreciation Depreciationaccounting Depreciation policy Consignment Accounts Unit – 3Higher-purchase and installment purchase system Legal provisionregarding hire-purchase contract Branch Accounts system Unit – 4Essential characteristics of partnership Partnership deed FinalAccounts Adjustments after closing the accounts Fixed andfluctuation capital Goodwill & Joint Life Policy Change inProfit Sharing Ratio Unit – 5 Amalgamation of partnership firmsDissolution of a partnership firm-Modes of dissolution of a firmInsolvency of partners Sale of firm to a company
Cost Accounting light-1.1
Light of Learning
Notes of cost accounting for commerce,accounting student to learneasy.
Human Nutrition Guide light-1.1
Light of Learning
Human nutrition guide app is designed for lean basic of healthscience students.
Human Physiology - I light-1.0
Light of Learning
Notes of human physiology for medical,medicine,para medical tolearn easy. It almost cover all important topics which are givenbelow UNIT – I. CELL AND TISSUES Structure and functions of cells-IStructure and functions of cells-II Physiological properties ofprotoplasm Levels of cellular organization Cell membrane transportStructure and functions of epithelial Muscular and nervous tissueWater and electrolyte balance UNIT – II. DIGESTIVE SYSTEM Structureand functions of teeth Structure and functions of tongue Structureand function of salivary glands Composition and functions of salivaOrgans of Digestion – Oesophagus, Stomach, Small intestine andLarge intestine Movements of the digestive system Peptic ulcerUNIT- III. CIRCULATORY SYSTEM Blood – Formation, composition andfunctions Blood coagulation blood groups and Rhesus factor bloodtransfusion Disorders – Anemia, Leukemia, hemophilia Blood vessels& Types of Blood Vessels Varicose veins, arteriosclerosisFactors affecting blood pressure & Tachycardia and BradycardiaStructure and functions of Heart Cardiac conduction system of heartLymphatic system UNIT–IV. EXCRETORY SYSTEM Structure and functionsof kidney kidney in maintaining pH of blood Polyuria UremiaHematuria Nephritis UNIT-V. RESPIRATORY SYSTEM Upper respiratorypassages – nasal cavities, pharynx, larynx and trachea. Structure& Functions of the Lungs Lung capacity & RespiratoryQuotient Exchange and Transportation of respiratory gases Role ofhaemoglobin and buffer systems Diseases – Bronchitis, Tuberculosis,Pneumonia, Asthma
Physiology light-1.1
Light of Learning
Study functions & systems of organs using physiology , It isbranch of biology.
Human Anatomy and Physiology light-1.1
Light of Learning
Notes of human anatomy & physiology with graphicalrepresentation to learn easy.
Biochemistry light-1.1
Light of Learning
Biochemistry notes for bio medical,bio technology, geneticengineering students.
Basic of Pathology light-1.1
Light of Learning
Learn basic of pathology for disease diagnostic.
Corporate Accounting light-1.1
Light of Learning
Corporate accounting notes explain accounting principles,accountingstandards .
Light of Learning
Notes of HUMAN PHYSIOLOGY-II to lean in easy way.It almost coverall important topics of HUMAN PHYSIOLOGY-II which are given belowUNIT – I. NERVOUS SYSTEM Central Nervous System Brain and spinalcord Cerebrospinal fluid Peripheral Nervous System Autonomicnervous system Conduction of nerve impulse UNIT – II. SENSE ORGANSStructure and functions of eye Physiology of vision Defects invision – myopia and hypermetropia, astigmatism Eye DiseasesStructure and functions of Ear Structure and functions of noseSinusitis UNIT – III. ENDOCRINE SYSTEM Hormone Endocrine GlandsStructure and functions of Adrenal Gland UNIT – IV. REPRODUCTIVESYSTEM Male reproductive system Spermatogonia Female reproductivesystem Oogenesis Menstrual cycle Menopause Fertilization &Development of fertilized ovum Placenta and its functions &Parturition Abortion Test tube baby - IVF,ETT & GIFT. UNIT – V.MUSCULOSKELETAL SYSTEM Skeletal system & its functions Joints –Types of joints Muscular system – Functions of the musclesDisorders
Light of Learning
Notes of food microbiology to easy learn.
Light of Learning
Notes of food service management to easy learn.
Strategic Management light-1.0
Light of Learning
Simple and clean notes to learn strategic management .Strategicmanagement almost cover all important topics which areindexedbelow : UNIT - I. Course Overview Evolution of BusinessStrategy& Policy Strategic Vision & Mission EstablishingObjectivesCrafting A Strategy Analysis of the External EnvironmentMethodsfor scanning the external environment Structural AnalysisPortersPrinciples of Industry Competition Strategic ManagementprocessUnit - II. Evaluating Company Resources And CompetitiveStrengthsSwot Analysis Situational Analysis in Health SectorMichael portersvalue chain approach to operational analysis HRMDifference BetweenActivity Based Costing and Traditional CostingBusiness Strategies:Internal and External Growth StrategiesDisinvestment Strategies inManagement Retrenchment Unit - III.Positioning of the BusinessPortfolio Strategic Business UnitsProduct Life - Cycles TheExperience Effect A Matrix Representationfor the BusinessPortfolio The BCG Methods Unit - IV. Strategy AndCompetitiveAdvantage Unit - V. Strategic Evaluation And Control
Consumer Behavior light-1.0
Light of Learning
Simple and clean notes to learn consumer behavior .ConsumerBehavior cover almost all important topics which areindexed below: Unit - I. Consumer behaviour Introduction, meaningandsignificance of consumer behaviour Determinants ofconsumerbehaviour Consumer behaviour Vs Buyers behaviour consumerbuyingprocess Consumer movement in India Unit - II. OrganisationalBuyingbehaviour and consumer research Concept and Characteristicsoforganisational buying behaviour Process of organisationalbuyingbehaviour Determinants of organisational buying behaviourConceptand History of Consumer Research Process and Objective ofConsumerResearch Unit - III. Consumer needs and motivations Typesofconsumer needs Meaning of motivation, needs and goalsDynamicNature of Motivation Measurement of motives DevelopmentofMotivational Research Unit - IV. Personality and consumerbehaviourConcept of personality Theories of personality Personalityandunderstanding consumer diversify Self and self images Unit -V.Social class and consumer Behavour Meaning, Need and measurementofthe social class Social class Mobility
Statistical Analysis light-1.1
Light of Learning
Statistical analysis is part of data analytics for businessintelligence (BI).
Accounting for Managerial Decisions light-1.0
Light of Learning
Simple and clean notes of accounting for managerialdecisions.Accounting for Managerial Decisions consist all importanttopicswhich are indexed below. Unit - I Meaning, Nature, scopeandfunctions of Management Accountancy Role of ManagementAccountingin decision making Tools & Techniques of ManagementAccountingManagement Accounting Vs Financial accounting and costAccountingUnit - II Meaning and limitations of financialstatementsObjectives and Methods of Financial Statement AnalysisRatio andClassification of Ratio Profitability ratios TurnoverRatiosFinancial ratios Advantages and Disadvantages of RatioAnalysisUnit - III Nature of Capital Budgeting DecisionsCharacteristics ofCapital Budgeting Methods of Capital BudgetingUnit - IV Fund FlowStatement Cash flow statement Unit - V Cost ofCapitalResponsibility accounting Management Reporting
Financial Management light-1.1
Light of Learning
Simple and clean notes to learn financial management.
Light of Learning
Simple and way to learn ENTREPRENEURSHIP DEVELOPMENT. Italmostcover all important topics of ENTREPRENEURSHIP DEVELOPMENTwhichare given below chapter wise : UNIT - I :ENTREPRENEURSHIPDefinition of entrepreneurship and itsCharacteristics Entrepreneur& enterprise Traits of a trueentrepreneur Type of entrepreneurFunctions of an entrepreneurBehavioural patterns of entrepreneurEntrepreneurial MotivationAchievement motivation KakinadaExperiment UNIT - II : PROJECTIDENTIFICATION & CLASSIFICATIONProject identificationClassification of Projects Projectformulation Need, concept,significance and elements of projectformulation Ratio analysisLicensing and Registration UNIT - III :FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONSNABARD IDBI IFCI SISI Commercial BankingGICs Choice of mostsuitable agency Approaching an institution forassistance UNIT - IV: ACCOUNTS AND BOOK KEEPING Concepts,applications, advantages anddisadvantages of single entry systemConcepts, applications,advantages and disadvantages of doubleentry system Concepts ofJournal, ledger, subsidiary books, cashbook Trial balance –rectification of errors Manufacturing accountProfit and lossaccount and balance sheet Concepts of bills andreceipts UNIT - V :APPLICATION OF COMPUTER IN ENTREPRENEURSHIPDEVELOPMENT MS – WindowsExploring the Desktop Running multipleprogrammes AccessoriesControl Panel Managing Document and FoldersStarting MS- WORDCreating and Formatting a document Changing Fontsand point sizeTable Creation Autocorrect, Auto Text, Spell CheckThesaurus, WordArt, Inserting objects Mail merge, letter, lable,envelope Pageset-up and Page preview Printing a document
Pharmaceutical Analysis light-1.1
Light of Learning
Simple and clean way to learn pharmaceutical analysis.
Pharmaceutics - I light-1.1
Light of Learning
Simple and easy way to learn pharmaceutics - I .
Marketing Management light-1.0
Light of Learning
Simple and clean notes of marketing management for learnbusinessactivities. Marketing Management has very important topicswhichare given below unit wise : Unit - I Concept of Marketingandmarketing Management Difference between market andmarketingRetailing and selling. Functions of marketing managementRole ofmarketing in economic development Indian MarketingEnvironmentMarketing mix Marketing planning Planning ProcessMarketSegmentation; its concept, Nature and bases Unit - II TheConceptand Component of Marketing Information System MarketingResearchConcept Objectives and process Role, Factors and Steps ofSalesforecasting Product planning and development ProductclassificationProduct life Cycle Product Positioning anddiversificationDevelopment of New Product Unit - III ProductBranding andpackaging Product pricing decision methods of PriceDeterminationNew Product Pricing Resale Price MaintenanceChallenges beforemodern Marketing in India Marketing and SocialresponsibilityMarketing Ethics Unit - IV Concept and significanceof salespromotion Sales promotion Programmes and strategiesSalesManagement : Meaning, objective, Recruitment and selectionTrainingCompensation to sales staff Role and significance ofPersonalselling Qualities of sales force Types of personal sellingChannelsof Distribution Concept and components of PhysicaldistributionUnit - V Concept, Nature, Objectives and ImportanceofAdvertisement Effects of Advertising on production MarketSocialeffects and Ethical issues in Advertising Advertising processMediarole and their selection Advertising MessageMeasuringAdvertisement Effectiveness Objective and methodsAdvertising AuditAdvertising Agency, Function, types and selection
Personnel Management & Industrial Relations light-1.0
Light of Learning
Simple and clean study notes for personnel management &industrial relations . Personnel Management & IndustrialRelations has important topics which are given below : Unit - I.Personnel Management Concept, nature, functions, objectives andimportance of Personnel Management Organisation of personneldepartment manpower planning Personnel policies PersonnelManagement in India Unit - II. Job Analysis Job AnalysisRecruitment Selection Placement Psychological Tests Induction &Training Performance Appraisal Merit rating Executive DevelopmentCounseling Unit - III. Industrial Relations Conceptual AnalysisThree Actors of Industrial Relations Importance and ObjectivesConditions for Congenial Industrial Relations How to manageIndustrial Relations in Hospitals Unit - IV. Industrial ConflictsConcept, causes and Types of Industrial Conflicts Prevention andSettlement of Industrial Conflicts Workers' Participation inManagement Unit - V. Compensation planning Compensation planningMethods of compensation Incentives & Fringe benefits IndustrialPsychology Principles & Methods of Ind. Psychology
Nutrition through life cycle light-1.0
Light of Learning
Notes of nutrition through life cycle for medical,para medical&medicine. It almost cover all important topics which aregiven belowUNIT - I. BASIC PRINCIPLES OF MEAL AND MENU PLANNINGFactors to beconsidered in meal planning Factors to be consideredin menuplanning UNIT - II. NUTRITION IN PREGNANCY ANDLACTATIONPhysiological stages of pregnancy Nutrition requirementsfoodselection and complications of pregnancy Physiology oflactationNutrient Needs of a Mother during Lactation UNIT - III.NUTRITIONDURING INFANCY AND EARLY CHILDHOOD Infancy - Growth anddevelopmentNutritional Needs of Infants Infancy - breastfeedingGrowth andnutrient needs for early childhood UNIT - IV. NUTRITIONFOR SCHOOLCHILDREN AND ADOLESCENCE Nutritional requirements forschoolchildren Importance of snacks for school children AdolescenceUNIT- V. GERIATIC NUTRITION Factors affecting food intakeNutrientneeds Nutrition related problems
Management of Rural & Agricultural Marketing light-1.0
Light of Learning
Simple and clean notes to learn management of rural&agricultural marketing. It cover to all important topicsofmanagement of rural & agricultural marketing which areindexedbelow : Unit - I. Rural Marketing Image of Indian ruralmarketingApproach to rural markets of India Rural consumerMarketsegmentation Channels of Distribution Physical distributionProductManagement Marketing communication and sales force tasksUnit - II.Agricultural Marketing Classification of agriculturalproductsAgriculture market - Meaning, Components, DimensionsandClassification Market structure - Dynamics of marketstructureComponents of market structure and Market force Unit -III. MarketManagement and Channel Strategy Modern MarketingConcepts Functionsof Modern Market­ing Agricultural productsCommodity exchangeProduce Exchange Cash Market Forward dealingMarket exchangeSpeculative market Channels of distribution forconsumer goodsAgricultural consumer goods and Agricultural rawmaterials Unit -IV. Regulated Market in India Regulated marketAdvantages andLimitations of regulated market, Organization ofregulated marketFuture of regulated markets and Regulated marketsin India Unit -V. Marketing of Farm Product Packing and PackagingPackingmaterials Advantages of Transportation Means of transportandTransportation cost Grading and Standardization StorageandWarehousing Processing and Selling
Organizational Behaviour light-1.1
Light of Learning
Learn Organizational Behaviour to understand, predict and managehuman behavior.
Business Environment light-1.1
Light of Learning
Free simple & easy handy notes to learn business environment.
Business Organisation light-1.0
Light of Learning
Business organization app contain basic toadvancedfundamentals,concepts which is very helpful to explainproductionprocess of goods and services. Which impact and increaseefficiencyin organization on several level. Business organizationcontainactivities related to production & distribution whichplay animportant role to became a good business men,entrepreneur.Business organization notes,reference studymaterial,lectures ishelpful for commerce ,management students aswell as professionalsto learn and enhance business skills. Italmost cover all importanttopics of Business organization which aregiven below Unit :1.Nature and scope of business Nature And Scopeof A businessBusiness versus Profession and EmploymentInterrelationship betweenindustry, commerce and trade Objectivesand essentials of businessForms of business organization Unit :2.Joint stock company Featureof a Joint Stock Company Company versusPartnership Firms Kinds ofCompanies Formation of a companyMemorandum and Articles ofAssociation Alteration in Articles andMemorandum Unit :3.Financing of companies Shares & DebenturesFinancing ofcompanies Methods of raising capital Prospectus PublicdepositsUnit :4. Structure of company management DutiesandResponsibilities of directors Company Meetings Unit :5. Scaleofoperation Business combinations Public utilitiesSocialresponsibilities of business
Management of Marketing Services light-1.0
Light of Learning
Simple and clean notes to learn management of marketing services.Management of marketing services almost cover all importanttopicswhich are indexed below : Unit - I. Concept of servicesConcept ofservices Need for service Marketing Management ofmarketingservices Market segmentation Market mix for services KeyAreas ofBusiness Services Unit - II. Marketing of Bank andInsuranceservices Marketing of Bank and Insurance services Varioususers ofMarketing of Bank and Insurance services Buyers Productplanningand segmentation Marketing mix Personal selling Unit -III.Marketing of Hotel and Hospital services Concept ofHospitalitymarketing and Hospital Service Multi channel hotelmarketing Hotelproduct Market Segmentation Marketing mix PricingDecision HotelMarketing in India Hospital Marketing in India Unit -IV. Marketingof consultancy services Concept of consultancyservices Need ofMarketing of consultancy services Behaviour ofMarketing ofconsultancy services Planning and Development ofConsultancyService Market segmentation concept Education serviceIndianscenario Unit - V. Marketing of Transport services ConceptofTransport services Uses of Transport services Product planningofTransport services Market segmentation of TransportservicesMarketing mix Significance of marketing management forRailSignificance of marketing management for Road Transport
Pharmaceutical Inorganic Chemi light-1.0
Light of Learning
Simple and clean way to learn pharmaceutical inorganic chemistry.
Light of Learning
Simple and easy way to learn house keeping. It almost coverallimportant topics of house keeping which are given belowchapterwise : UNIT -I : LODGING INDUSTRIES Evolution and types oflodgingestablishment Staffing, training, functions ofHousekeepingdepartment Job Description and Job SpecificationRelationship ofhouse keeping with guests and other departments UNIT- II :INTERIOR ENVIRONMENT DESIGN AND STYLE Size of the roomPlacement ofdoors and windows Elements and Principles of design anditsapplication UNIT - III : SOFT FURNISHINGS Linen uniformBeddingLayout plan activities of the linen room Different jobs thatcan begiven as contract Linen storage and control Bed Making andTurningdown Laundry methods, fabric stain removal Carpet and FloorSoftFurnishings and its benifits Hall Coverings Window TreatmentsUNIT- IV : CARE AND CLEANING Cleaning Equipment CleaningAgentsCleaning Guest Rooms Care and Cleaning of FurnitureUpholsterymaterial Selection and types of Furniture UNIT - V :SAFETY ANDSECURITY Fire Prevention and control Accident preventionSecuritymeasures First aid Pest Control
Income Tax light-1.0
Light of Learning
Notes of income tax for commerce,accounting to learn easy.Italmostcover all important topics which are given below Unit – 1.BasicConcepts Income Agriculture income Casual income Assessmentyear& Previous Year Gross total income, total income Unit –2.Heads of Income Salaries Income Income from House Property Unit–3. Profit and Gains of Business Profit and gains of BusinessorProfession Capital Gains Income from other sources AggregationofIncome Set off and carry forward of losses Unit – 4.Deductionsfrom Gross Total Income DEDUCTIONS FROM GROSS TOTALINCOME TotalIncome and tax liability of an Individual H.U.F., andfirm Unit –5. Concept of Tax Planning Concept of Tax Planning Taxevasion andtax avoidance
Management of Sale Promotion and Advertising light-1.0
Light of Learning
Simple and clean notes for management of sale promotionandadvertising. It almost contain all important topics which aregivenbelow unit wise : Unit – I. Introduction Concept ofadvertisingScope of advertising Objectives of advertising FunctionsofAdvertising Role of advertising in marketing mix ProcessofAdvertising Legal ethical and social aspect of advertising Unit-II. Pre-Launch Advertising Decision Edit Determination oftargetaudience Advertising media and their choice AdvertisingmeasuresLayout of advertisement and advertising appeal AdvertisingcopyUnit - III. Promotional Management Edit Advertising departmentRoleof advertising agencies and their selection AdvertisingbudgetEvaluation of Advertising effectiveness Unit - IV. PersonalSellingMeaning and Importance of personal settling Differencebetweenpersonal selling, Advertising and sales promotion Methodsandprocedure of personal selling UNIT - V. Sales Management Conceptofsales management Objectives and Functions of sales managementSalesOrganization Management of sales force and Sales forceobjectivesSales force recruitment, selection, training,compensation andevaluation
Business Economics light-1.1
Light of Learning
Business economics easy notes for financial accounting students& professionals.
Principles of Management light-1.1
Light of Learning
Principles of management is helpful for managers,business men,entrepreneurs.
Light of Learning
Nutritional biochemistry explores the fundamentals of nutrition andmetabolism.
Financial Auditing light-1.1
Light of Learning
Simple handy key notes for financial auditing professionals &students.
Light of Learning
Simple and easy way to learn FOOD STANDARD AND QUALITY CONTROL.
Research Methodology light-1.1
Light of Learning
Easy way to learn research methodology . Simple notes for researchmethodology.